WitrynaImmedia 3B-Board Et buet glidebrett for fleksible tilpasninger. 3B-board glidebrett er perfekt å bruke som "bro" over kortere åpninger når du utfører sittende forflytninger. … WitrynaImmedia 3B-Board erlaubt durch die Länge einen Transfer auch über weite Distanzen. Verwendungszwecke • Transfer von Bett zu Dusch- und Rollstuhl • Transfer in und aus einem Auto • Transfer zwischen Rollstuhl, Stuhl, Toilette und Duschstuhl HMV.-Nr.: Immedia 3B-Board Maße Art-Nr. 3B-Board, abgerundet, weiß 230 x …
Editie: 02 apil 2024 Immedia MultiGlide tunnel-glijzeilen
WitrynaThe Immedia 3B-Board is designed to assist carers and hospital staff in ensuring the safe and hygienic transportation of patients from one surface to another. Not only does the board provide carers with a convenient means for patient transfer, but patients can enjoy the independence (if they are well enough) of using the board themselves. WitrynaImmedia 3B-Board è una tavola di trasferimento stabile con una tradizionale forma curva. La tavola può essere posizionata con una curva in avanti o all'indietro, a seconda della situazione di trasferimento e degli ostacoli circostanti, ad esempio la ruota della sedia a rotelle.--- raymund wilhelm aau
Immedia 3B-Board Curved Patient Transfer Board Health and Care
WitrynaThe Immedia 3B Transfer Board is a stable, traditional curved glide transfer board for use in multiple situations to facilitate the movement of patients with mobility issues. The 3B Transfer Board 's low friction upper surface allows the user to transfer independently or with assistance, and is especially useful when transferring between bed ... WitrynaImmedia 3B-Board er et stabilt og enkelt glidebræt med traditionelt buet design. Afhængig af hvilken forflytning der skal foretages kan man placere glidebrættet på 2 … WitrynaEncuentre toda la información del producto: tabla de traslado para discapacitados Immedia 3B-Board de la empresa Etac. Póngase en contacto con un proveedor o con la empresa matriz directamente para conocer los precios, obtener un presupuesto y descubrir los puntos de venta más cercanos. simplify tip